If you are looking for first fix plumbers in Shropshire we are pleased to confirm that our partner plumbing businesses do offer first fix plumbing sub-contracting services, and would be very pleased to talk about your requirements on the phone at [phone].
As first-fix plumbers of Shrewsbury Shropshire, we install the pipework for space heating, water supply and wastewater drainage into property new builds, and home extensions, and office developments throughout Shrewsbury and Shropshire.
We will also provide full quotes to act as subbies to provide a second-fix plumbing service, which is defined as the connection of the plumbing appliances, their testing and commissioning. The appliances we/ our partner businesses install include bathroom sanitary ware and radiators, as well as boilers and other equipment.
Shrewsbury is currently experiencing a house-building boom, with record home starts in 2016. 2017 will be no different. High rates of new home construction are also taking place in the villages of Shropshire currently. One village located in the Shropshire countryside, within 15 miles of Shrewsbury, is experiencing very fast expansion with over 800 new homes in planning or at varying stages of construction.
Our partners are experienced in the first fit plumbing building ‘Fit out’ process, where we are experts in the process of making interior spaces suitable for occupation.
We also have fit-out experience in office developments, where the base construction is completed by the developer and the final fit-out by the occupant. The occupant will generally be leasing space as a tenant from the developer/landlord and we can act in both capacities.
As a first fit plumber, we provide quotations for first fix work on the basis of an agreed schedule of works detailing the overall build requirements, and who will be responsible for each item of work. The concept of the first fix and what exactly is included varies considerably between builders. If no schedule of work is agreed upon in advance for first-fit plumbing work and used as the basis for a quotation it leaves the project open to confusion as to who should be doing what. Our policy is that if it isn’t written down and the schedule signed by both parties problems can easily arise during the work. Therefore, we do not bid for work unless an agreed schedule is either available or agreed upon between us before we quote for the work.
For the first fit plumber, it will be important for us to do the first fix before any plastering works. We can do this before full water connection as it is possible to temporarily cap all open ends, and pressure-test the system to check for leaks before we depart awaiting the mains water connection. We prefer to carry out the plumbing first fix before any electrical first fixing because it is easier to bend cables than pipes.
Our policy is that before the first fix plumbing starts everything needs to be checked. Now we do also recommend that is done before the dry-lining is installed. The blame for any errors which occurred before the arrival of the Electrician or Plumber must rest with the builder/ architect/ designer. To us, after the event, should any errors be found it will be a case of “he said she said”, we won’t know what really occurred. So the checking should be done this way round. By this, we mean before the dry-lining is installed. We suggest that if you are in charge of the build, you call a meeting and have all your contractors (especially the companies that will be doing the final fit-out) at the property all at the same time With everyone present explain to them all that if something needs doing, changing, moving or removing then they need to flag it up at this meeting.
This may sound harsh, but have them all sign a document that confirms their presence, and an agreement that all aspects were checked to their satisfaction before we start work. Start the project right, plan it well, check it often, and especially check it before the first fix plumbing and electrical work starts. Correcting errors after the first fix of plumbing and electrics commences can be very costly.
This is very interesting. So, first fix plumbers are best for new property work? This is new to me. I am developing my own property, digging the footings now. Will need plumber in 3 months or so I guess.
We have jobs for first fix plumbers in this area. Immediate start. Good rates.
What jobs do you include as first fix? Is there really such a thing as a first fix plumber? I’m guessing that in Shropshire plumbing contractors don’t specialise to that degree.
This page is a whole level better than the average page about first fix plumbing. If I was looking for a plumber I might well look closer at what you are offering.