Every plumbing website which reviews boilers, needs to have a Potterton boiler review or it would not be complete. Potterton is a very well-known name in boilers in the UK, so we thought we would provide our own summary of what is being said about them across the internet. However, before we do that we show you in the table of boilers below, a typical listing of popular boilers from part of their range.
Table of Potterton Boilers
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Summary Review of Potterton Manufacturer and Supplier Website Information
Potterton themselves tell us that:
Potterton boilers are manufactured in the UK, using tried and tested technology and genuine, approved components. Every boiler is tested using gas, electricity and water before it leaves the production line. If it doesn’t get 100%, it doesn’t pass.
Baxi supports Potterton boilers . via Potterton.co.uk Products Potterton Gold
Image Source : gasapplianceguide.co.uk
With a record stretching back 150 years, Potterton is a British company with true British values. Potterton have made their name synonymous with reliability and this applies to their boilers and other product ranges, their people and their customer service. With an excellent track record in supplying high efficiency heating products, Potterton is a name you can trust whenever you see a Potterton boiler review .
How A Potterton Boiler is Filled – An Explanatory Video
The Potterton combi boiler range includes their flagship product, the Potterton Gold Combi HE A, which is the ultimate choice in high efficiency heating. Combi boilers are the best selling boiler type for gas central heating in Britain and will provide heat for radiators and domestic hot water on demand. As with any combi boiler, they can only provide maximum water pressure through one tap at a time, but they are an economical choice for smaller households with relatively low hot water demands. Additionally, they take up little space and are easy to fit. All Potterton combi boilers are highly efficient and reasonably priced. Prices, are as at the time we prepared this Potterton boiler review in December 2016) range from £640 to £996 and come with varying flow rates and outputs. via MrCentralHeating.co.uk boilers by brand potterton
Established and Trading for Over 100 Years!
Potterton boilers have been around for over a century now. As you’ll no doubt appreciate, for any company or name to survive that long is a major achievement, requiring them to provide quality goods to the right market at the right time, and they also need to keep improving so that their customers keep coming back. In other words, they have to know what their customers need and keep providing it, time after time. via Linkedin.com company potterton boilers
Potterton boilers have been part of the UK landscape for more than a century. Over the years, Potterton has been responsible for many design innovations and the company invests continually in R&D to deliver high-performance boilers that meet the needs of today’s homes. Now part of the Baxi Group, Potterton remains a separate brand with its own unique designs.

Potterton offers the multifit GasSaver as an innovative product that sits between the boiler and flue. GasSaver recycles the heat from the flue gases that would normally be expelled and wasted. GasSaver has been proven by independent testing to achieve domestic hot water savings of up to 7% and to reduce the gas used to heat hot water by average of 37% annually. via GasSaver.co.uk_potterton-gassaver-boilers
Potterton boilers are one of the leading innovators in the domestic heating market. They are very efficient when it comes to heating boasting integral clock and choice of flue systems. If you choose a Potterton boiler you can be safe in the knowledge that your home will be heated by a trusted brand that are built around a reputation for producing quality products at affordable prices.
Potterton Boiler Review Boiler Definitions Discussed
This popular type of boiler heats hot water as you need it. There is no need to install a hot water cylinder or cold water tank, as the boiler is connected directly to the water mains – perfect for homes with limited space and a smaller hot water requirement.This type of boiler works together with a hot water cylinder, but usually doesn’t require a cold water tank, as the system can be filled directly from the water mains. This type of system benefits from having an electric immersion heater within the cylinder which means you can still have hot water even if your boiler breaks down. This type of system is the latest cutting edge technology to bring you renewable energy and hot water. It is environmentally friendly and energy efficient. via Superwarm.co.uk/worcester-bosch-boilers-versus-baxi-potterton

The Potterton range of combination boilers or often known as Combi boilers or even just ‘combis’ maintain their reputation for high-quality reliable products. The Potterton Combis are manufactured to be easy and quick to install. They can fit into almost any domestic setting.
A Combi boiler is particularly convenient for the home as it is highly efficient and does not require additional spacetaking water tanks. They are made for you to operate easily and as well as reducing your energy bills they are manufactured to reduce the emissions of environmentally-harmful gasses.
The Potterton range of combination boilers or often known as Combi boilers or even just ‘combis’ maintain their reputation for high-quality reliable products. The Potterton Combis are manufactured to be easy and quick to install. They can fit into almost any domestic setting. 1staction.compotterton-boilers
What is a Boiler Defined as?
A boiler is essentially a closed container that holds fluid and heats it for a variety of uses, particularly for the central heating system of a domestic household. Boilers do indeed come in an assortment of shapes and sizes offering a variety of uses of varying requirements, e.g. Boilers for Sealed Systems, Boilers for Regular Systems, etc. The most efficient type of boiler on the market, now the industry standard, are Condensing Boilers, also known as high efficiency boilers. A Condensing Boiler will recycle flue gases that would normally be wasted from a non condensing boiler. This means that less energy is required to power your boiler, as a result you can help to save our environment and significantly reduce your fuel consumption costs. via Saveonsolar.org.uk potterton-boilers
Potterton Boiler Review – Summary and Conclusion
Potterton is a British manufacturer of wall-hung and floor-mounted gas boilers. The company is owned by the Baxi Group, which is a part of BDR Thermea. BDR Thermea employs approximately 6,400 people in over 70 countries and reports annual sales of approximately $2.6 billion. Potterton company was founded in 1850 in Ballam, London by Thomas Potterton, who set up office as a general contractor. The company completed the first gas boiler installation in 1902, and in 1908 Potterton completed the first ever multiple installation of gas boilers. Potterton produced its one millionth boiler in 1969, and today has manufactured over seven million boilers in the UK. via Furnacecompare.com_boilers_Potterton
Thanks for reading our Potterton Boiler Review.
You say Potterton is part of Baxi Group which is part of BDR Thermea. Truly, how can Potterton be the same as years ago. Where is your review of BDR Thermea?
I have seen pages like this before. While useful up to a point it is really just a compilation of information. What you should write is a balanced review of Potterton’s boilers.
I have a Potterton boiler, 10 years old, which I don’t consider ancient, considering what the boiler is intended for. It has cost us a small fortune in parts and labour over the years and I am heartily sick of it. I have just paid out over £300 for a new pcb unit for it only for it to run for a day and then have the fan unit pack up. Potterton have advised to change not only the fan but the air pressure switch too as that will almost certainly go after the fan is changed, Another £255 including fitting for all that, all this on top of £100’s paid out over the last few months for minor odds and ends going wrong on it. Personally I will never touch Potterton again. British made used to mean something, sadly not any more.
Sometimes the two above types have been mixed in the following manner: the firebox contains a meeting of water tubes, referred to as thermic siphons. The gases then cross via a traditional firetube boiler.
Nice blog. Thanks for sharing.